Did anyone notice Scotty brushing up his image (see here )?! When the article was first published there was an even more awkward pic with him in full attire standing on a beach with sand and water flowing between his toes!!!
So, Scotty stopped the boats supposedly without lining the refugees up and shooting ‘em! All in secrecy, of course, for operational matters! I used to see his mug shot and think how similar he looked to some of Dubya’s secretive faceless neo con bunch – not doubt Scotty, with his line of thinking, would have fitted in perfectly.
Almost as a joke on the Aussie public, Abbott has unleashed Scotty’s fascism on the next most needy group, the unemployed! It won’t be long before we have bright orange paddy wagons zooming the streets rounding up the new unemployed and dumping ‘em in ghettoes where they can’t be a scourge on the Aussie society (particularly the born-to-rule rich)!
It will all be in secrecy, controlled by the SS enthusiastically calling out “Heil Scotty” and strange salutes. The laws, no doubt, will be amended to ensure that members of the SS cannot be prosecuted for atrocities conducted under secret operations.
The unemployed will be in there for up to six months, until they find a job or else, disposed by means of the most economically efficient manner. Anyone else who believes they need assistance (social services) will be treated as a leaner and will be dealt with in a similar manner.
Hey guess what?!! We’ve dropped the unemployment rate to near 0%! Heil Scotty!!! We’ve even reduced the social services cost to near $0-00 (just a few billions for the mates), saving billions of the born to rule wealthy’s tax – Heil Scotty!!
One’s gotta wonder why the sudden PR campaign! Could he be positioning himself for Mein Fuhrer of d Vaterland!!!?
But, of course, the true believers will take him for his word as not being an ideologue – no not even close – he is just a softy “doer”! And in the world of the dumb-Aussie-electorate, those true believers are as high as 45% – Heil Scotty!!
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