Saturday, 25 June 2016

The last hurrah of the GuSWhiSuc Empire!

It is not every generation that has the fortune (or misfortune) to observe the last twitches and spasms of an empire about to perish. In fact, it might even be the last empire ever as the progressive world strides forward towards a world that is beyond tribal boundaries. That is a distant goal, but surely one that will be attained under the new world order – a multi-ethnic world order. This maybe BRICS or one that follows it, but it will not be dominated by fat rich Anglo-Celtic white males.

It is unreasonable to expect an empire to subside gracefully. The images of their military superiority, often mistaken as a superiority in race, will continue to be dangled in their faces by the likes of Trump and Farage and easily consumed by the struggling plebs as the only way to wealth and riches – Make America Great again!!

And so the civilised, and I don’t mean rich, I mean civilised in manner – peaceful, respectful and non-discriminatory – rest of us will have to absorb the missiles this monster throws at us before it is finally dead and buried. As in many good adventure movie, just as you think you’ve finally killed the triple headed, fire breathing monster, it unexpectedly lunges at you with it’s final blow of destruction!

As the new world order takes control, we see the GusWhiSucs struggle to cope. The ideal environment for the far right to make promises to the plebs of returning to the glory days! The plebs are easily suckered in and cry in hysteria as they imaging this world where they strut around with crowns on their heads and large muscular black men fanning their every ounce of pleasure and desire. Wow!! even I could live with that – or could I?!

So, what actually happened to this empire?

The GuSWhiSuc leader and war monger, Churchill, initiated the greatest collapse of the empire by singlehandedly being the cause of two wars against Germany, at great expense in death and carnage across the globe. The world was fortunate that Hitler was strong and annihilated Churchill’s army in a matter of days. Churchill was fortunate that Hitler never wanted a war with Britain and pitied his miserable men on the beaches of Dunkirk, sparing them. That was the beginning of the end of the empire and it was rapid. It also gave close to 5 billion people (in today’s terms) their freedom which in turn set up the environment for other nations to thrive and become powerful.

It is not to say that most of the Old world, including many nations in Europe are struggling to compete. Their power has mostly been a legacy of their swords. But as the playing field is equalised with other nations having nuclear weapons, the economy, brain power and the size of middle class are now the determinants of power in the new world.

As the White supremacy groups in the Anglo-Celtic world get a strangle hold of their pleb classes, It is likely that there will be confrontation. Their control is based on promises of over-powering the rest of the world. So in Australia we had the Cronulla riots, in the US we have Trump and in the UK we have Farage!

Brexit wants all the good of the EU without any of the bad. That’s not particularly surprising as that’s what the Brits did for 400 years around the globe. Just ask the Africans and the Asian!! Under the forces of the new world order, strength is by forming large communities not breaking away. I must admit there was an impish part of me that kept willing on the Brexit mob!! But that was cruel to a large number of Brits who are amongst the most polite people one would meet. Knowing the generosity of the EU, the Brits might in fact get there way. The next few years will tell.

Sometimes the fight becomes more important than what’s good for the nation. Boris who-ever must now be thinking that. Farage is too arrogant to think he has to now deliver. He already is denying his commitment to the NHS (wow, that was minutes after the victory!! Never seen such a quick backflip in my life! The privilege of being a right-wing politician – all show and no action!)

It is inevitable that Britain, US and AUS will form a block. A block of, as their politicians say, a ”like minded” block – the GusWhiSuC block (they might even call it The Greatest Britain and have more Union Jacks and stars and stripes and whatever will instil patriotic tribal instincts – flags are outdated – they are mere symbols of division.). It is also likely that due to it’s leadership there will be much sabre rattling and bullying, destruction, rape and pillage of small nations – this is the only method they understand and it has worked well for them in the past.

The question is, will the New world take on the Old world (ironic, since not too long ago, the US was considered the New world). Like Israel, the Old world is unlikely to perish without creating havoc for the rest of us. We all know the views of the likes of Trump – they just do not take defeat without inflicting chaos. I suspect the dooms day clock will be ticking.

The world is in for a rather bumpy couple of decades. There are times when one wonders what the world might be if we could simply tuck Israel and the GusWhiSucs on some planet where they can knock themselves out and leave the rest of us in peace. Let’s hope we come out of the period a stronger more equal global community.

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