Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Pell’s Angels

We’ve recently been through a week of horror as the cool calm and collected Pell (the ultimate bureaucrat) was questioned by the Royal Commission. Pell’s performance was nothing other than remarkable on many fronts. Only once did he let the Mr. Hyde side take over in an unconsidered statement of not being interested in his “mate” abusing (mating with) kids.

Very little came out of Pell that we didn’t know already, nor was there that classic “got-ya” moment where the witness breaks down and admits to everything. Apart from Pell hiding from Australian justice and making it difficult (if he is genuinely sick, he should retire and come home) – a la Skase – nothing really seems to have been achieved by that whole procedure.

Pell may or may not have been involved in such activity – there has not been any proof of it – he may or may not have been aware of it happening – once again no direct proof. But on the second issue, he would have had to be the only human on “Earth” (Well, the Christian definition of humans and Earth) who didn’t know what was going on in the church. But until there is direct evidence, such as someone popping up and saying father Pell “Pell-ted” me and pumped me every night, he will be innocent at least officially. But the thing about a Royal Commissions is that they can form a view which is not based on direct evidence but simply circumstantial.

Pells Angels

What’s remarkable about Pell is that to him the church is more important than anything – the truth, the victims, what’s right, what’s wrong or anything else. He must believe that his God will judge him well as his protector.

What completely baffles me is how God made him the administrator of all his/her (keep you ladies content) money!! What with all that stuff about the pope and his direct line to God, one would have to believe that this was some sorta rort by the church.

The Pope appointed this bureaucrat well knowing that there was this ugly cloud overhanging him. One can only imagine the frantic calls on the direct line to the pope as God attempted to right things. There can be no other reason than that god simply ordered that he was removed from further disgracing his kingdom and getting him away from the “darling little angels”.

The church operates like any other corporate. Once senior executives make a decision they stand by it come hell (oooops! Maybe I could have chosen my words better!) or high water! So the Pell decision cannot be overturned. The pope must hope that Pell digs himself a hole and buries himself (or ascends to that place beyond the fluffy clouds)!

But the question still remains, did god actually make a mistake? I guess there is an easy out for the true believers – Pell is innocent and naïve and knew nothing and of course God never makes mistakes! As a true believer, one does not need facts, simply belief would do. If any other organisation “sold” snake oil the way the church does, it would be immediately dis-embowered by the corporate watch-dog, but the Christian church (as do other religions) gets away with it! – that’s a discussion for another time.

The dangerous aspect about this is that it isn’t harmless snake-oil, the church uses these crazy beliefs to take control of people’s minds and money. It just isn’t normal for even kids to drop their pants on command, bend over and take it in the backside by anyone! Least of all, some depraved ugly man in a strange cloak who talks fantasy super natural stuff!!

The church (not quite the same church) refused to Christen my son because we weren’t regular church goers – I was a bit peeved by it all at the time, but then, they were right, and my son is probably blooming lucky that it happened that way! The more observant of you are probably wondering why someone with my views of the church would want my son Christened! That’s another story too!

Good luck to the Pope and Pell and God bless Pell’s Angels – one can only hope their God will fix this blooming problem and their lives!

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