In the aftermath of Brexit, I’m told, that the phrase most googled in Britain was “What is the EU”?!!! What is clear, is that the plebs of England, particularly the North, had no idea what the referendum was all about. Whilst it may seem rational to blame the “remain” side for not explaining it well enough to them, the reality is the economic rationale behind the EU is complex and it takes more that 3 word slogans to explain. The Northern plebs were never going to get it.
Further more, when the competition has no real argument other than appealing to the usual racism and border protection issues, with promises of power and glory, where being truth full is irrelevant, then, it becomes quite a challenge. Yes, the trick is to somehow relate any subject with migration and any other race and the plebs will be with you.
Over the last 20 years, it has become apparent that the right side of politics appears to have a license to lie and the left don’t. It’s not to say the left doesn’t, but in Australia, there is a complete imbalance in terms of the level of Fibs stated by each party and the repercussions.
Ever since Howard, the Fiberals have become masters of lying. When, the reward for lying is winning elections over and over again, then, it is not surprising that the Fiberals are somewhat addicted to it.
Some would say that this is smart politics. The left attempts to explain complex issues to the plebs, with limited success. The right recognise that no amount of explaining will educate the plebs, they simply accept them as dumb – they are the equivalent of those who were baffled and went looking for cake when Antoinette made her infamous comment – “Let them eat cake”! . And so simple three word slogans that appeal to the pleb’s inner sense of security, is the Fiberal’s response. The truth is irrelevant – the plebs are too dumb to be explained the truth or to find out, and the pleb media will keep them ignorant.
What’s brilliant about this strategy is that now not only were they guaranteed the far right vote of the conservatives and wealthy, but they also hit the poorest and dumbest mob, who traditionally were the Labor heartland. Ironically, it is exactly for this reason that the Fibs would like to keep those dumb plebs just as they are – dumb plebs. Its good for their businesses and good to maintain power.
Lets look at the form of some of the “Great” fiberal leaders.
The bumbling Howard.
This is an irrelevant ole’ man who still can’t accept that his adventure in Iraq was a mistake and he lied through his teeth to the Australian public. As I say – Whilst is maybe possible to miss evidence of something that does exist, it’s pretty impossible to find it for something that does not! This poor soul is desperately attempting to create a legacy that will never exist.
We all recall the “Howard battlers”. These were the dumb Aussie plebs, mostly racist and completely ignorant. While it might appear that the supporters of the right were wealthy, it was Howard that realised the opportunity to completely exploit this dumb mob and hence started the phenomenon of feeding the plebs with bullshit simple messages that appeal to their DNA – white supremacy, racism etc.
So, we had the Tampa, Children overboard and the Iraq war. Howard won 3 elections purely on the basis of these events which he manipulated into racism and white supremacy appealing to his battlers. He set the standard for Fiberal politics and what a great tradition it has become.
The Mad Abbott
Perhaps due to his religious beliefs, the mad Phoney Abbott just could not differentiate between fact and fiction. But he did master the 3 word slogan. We all remember “Ditch the Bitch” and the Gillard lie. But surprisingly we don’t seem to remember the string of lies that the mad Abbott said. It’s almost as if we still hold Labor accountable but we don’t expect anything but lies from the Fiberals.
There was hardly a word of truth that was uttered by the mad Abbott. The budgets reflected nothing of his promises and he lied to us about stopping the boats. It now appears that the boats kept coming but we simply turned them back – all 29 of them.
The dumb Aussie public and media simply bought in to the secrecy surrounding “on-water operational matters”! We love to be critical of foreign governments who dupe their people, but we were quite happy to accept the Fiberals on this matter. When a Government in involved in covert operations, those that are kept secret from it’s public, one can be quite sure that they are up to no good. This was Putin like behaviour. The Labor party wouldn’t ever have dreamt of covert operations and if they did, with a little bit of pressure they would have made the information public.
Why the Aussie public and media are so accepting of the secrecy is baffling. I suspect it has something to do with feeling proud of a strong navy and the people on the boats were foreigners and even worse Muslims. It’s all relative, the Australia navy seem powerful in comparison to the little putt putt boats of the Indonesian fishermen!
Malcolm TurdBullShit and what was her name – the chic who votes the same as him?!
Malcolm is a classic case of selling one’s soul to the devil. He entered politics with unadulterated views of the world and complete naivety of the political landscape. His first stint as the leader of his party brought him back to Earth. His attempt to work with Labor for the benefit of Australia on the climate front, was completely foreign to his party stooges and before long he fell flat on his bottom.
He clearly learned from that first experience and now, no one really knows who he is. Everything he stood for before he knifed Abbott now seems to have evaporated. Climate change, Same Sex marriage, a complete transformation. So we still have the mad Abbott policies, but no Abbott! and Malcolm TurnbullShit is just that – complete bull shit. He has lost his credibility.
There is the opportunity for a whole new blog on the TurnBullShit that Malcolm has been pouring on this dumb plebs – old ladies being hassled, an economic plan, Medicare not being privatised, the deficit is Labors fault, Labor has a big black whole even before Labor released it’s numbers. It’s the complete Fiberal package, with a tinge of corporate branding put to it.
When elections arrive, we leave our future in the hands of those dumb plebs who are still in search of cake and to the three word slogans of the Fiberals. At least the Labor party might drag those dumb plebs out of their miserable existence. But no, the 3 word slogans are as far as they comprehend.
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