Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The future is in great hands!

Just as you give-up hope on a generation of device glued gamers and YouTubers… then comes along Jake! A well-rounded individual of brilliance and a touch of class! I’m sure Jake is not the sole representative of his generation.

Jake’s particular circumstances may be extraordinary. It is hard to view this video other than through a lens reflecting his situation, but that is precisely what we should not do. The speech was written much earlier and would always have portrayed the same messages.

Listening to Jake, one couldn’t help but think that this was not simply a young man who had collected some great quotations and cobbled together a speech. It was a young man who truly believed in the core messages that he was presenting and lives by them. He did not come across as a know-all, arrogant teenager that we are all too familiar with. He appeared considered, consultative and deeply respectful of the environment he was in – the school and it’s rich heritage, the old boys, the teachers and of course, his cohort of students.

The future is in great hands–Jake Bailey, Head Monitor Christ Church Boys High School

The speech is overflowing with invaluable messages to us all and especially to his and later generations – a must see for all teenagers. Most of these obvious to the listener. But there are also some less grandioso but nevertheless touching moments in the video

Just prior to Jake commencing his speech, as the mic is being setup, the principal reassuringly pats him on the shoulder and exhales – a natural human release of tension, an unguarded moment sneaking through the brave facade being presented by all – clearly a reflection of the thoughts, the emotions and the “battle” going on in the principal’s mind. He pats him again at the end conveying a gratitude from all present and now, the many millions that have viewed this video.

The Haka, although somewhat contrived, is symbolic of the level of integration of the original inhabitants of NZ – the influence, appreciation and uptake of this culture, rich in symbolism. Where Australia has failed dismally (except when it is commercially beneficial). The very fact that the Kiwis would naturally resort to a Haka in such a poignant moment simply adds many layers of colour to their national identity. The inclusion of an indigenous welcome in his speech. The youthful handshake at the end – uplifting!

The singing of the school song that appeared to be completely spontaneous – Altiora Peto. (See the full video).

I refuse to associate sadness with Jake. Although I am grateful (to whom, I’m not sure) that the prognosis for him, may be quite positive. We should all simply celebrate what Jake represents – a generation of brilliant, idealistic young men!

“Some achieve in a few years what others may aspire to in a lifetime.”

For many a parent of teenagers, including yours truly, who are troubled, confused and battling the age of body technology, gaming and tubing, who rarely get the pleasure of encountering young men with the qualities of Jake, this is truly inspiring and liberating. His generation, is well prepared to right the mess that our generation and previous have created and left for them.

It is a generation that sees through the colour of peoples skin and their religions.

It is a generation that truly values diversity, egalitarianism and liberalism.

It is a generation that is not obsessed with petty minded selfish materialism at the exploitation of others.

It is a generation that is truly global, rather than tribal, nationalistic or divided by religious belief like their predecessors.

It is a generation that will blast through the problems that we have created in regions such as the Middle East and our environment.

It is a post imperialist generation, with holistic human values unrivalled by any previous – Altiora Peta

The change has already started in Canada with the election of a Prime Minister that in many ways is closest to representing the value set of this generation. It didn’t really take much to have equal representation of men and women or substantive representation of minorities in a government – simply a genuine belief in what was best, fair minded and right. This could have been achieved anytime in the last 3,000 years of democracy, but

“previous generations have been myopic small thinkers, constrained by their own narrow minded view of humanity, self interest, tribal instincts based on race and religion.”

Stuff the crude, racist, crusader heroes of the past, I say – Churchill and Bush are simply a pedestal for the Jakes of the future.

“The future is indeed in great hands!”

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