Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The future is in great hands!

Just as you give-up hope on a generation of device glued gamers and YouTubers… then comes along Jake! A well-rounded individual of brilliance and a touch of class! I’m sure Jake is not the sole representative of his generation.

Jake’s particular circumstances may be extraordinary. It is hard to view this video other than through a lens reflecting his situation, but that is precisely what we should not do. The speech was written much earlier and would always have portrayed the same messages.

Listening to Jake, one couldn’t help but think that this was not simply a young man who had collected some great quotations and cobbled together a speech. It was a young man who truly believed in the core messages that he was presenting and lives by them. He did not come across as a know-all, arrogant teenager that we are all too familiar with. He appeared considered, consultative and deeply respectful of the environment he was in – the school and it’s rich heritage, the old boys, the teachers and of course, his cohort of students.

The future is in great hands–Jake Bailey, Head Monitor Christ Church Boys High School

The speech is overflowing with invaluable messages to us all and especially to his and later generations – a must see for all teenagers. Most of these obvious to the listener. But there are also some less grandioso but nevertheless touching moments in the video

Just prior to Jake commencing his speech, as the mic is being setup, the principal reassuringly pats him on the shoulder and exhales – a natural human release of tension, an unguarded moment sneaking through the brave facade being presented by all – clearly a reflection of the thoughts, the emotions and the “battle” going on in the principal’s mind. He pats him again at the end conveying a gratitude from all present and now, the many millions that have viewed this video.

The Haka, although somewhat contrived, is symbolic of the level of integration of the original inhabitants of NZ – the influence, appreciation and uptake of this culture, rich in symbolism. Where Australia has failed dismally (except when it is commercially beneficial). The very fact that the Kiwis would naturally resort to a Haka in such a poignant moment simply adds many layers of colour to their national identity. The inclusion of an indigenous welcome in his speech. The youthful handshake at the end – uplifting!

The singing of the school song that appeared to be completely spontaneous – Altiora Peto. (See the full video).

I refuse to associate sadness with Jake. Although I am grateful (to whom, I’m not sure) that the prognosis for him, may be quite positive. We should all simply celebrate what Jake represents – a generation of brilliant, idealistic young men!

“Some achieve in a few years what others may aspire to in a lifetime.”

For many a parent of teenagers, including yours truly, who are troubled, confused and battling the age of body technology, gaming and tubing, who rarely get the pleasure of encountering young men with the qualities of Jake, this is truly inspiring and liberating. His generation, is well prepared to right the mess that our generation and previous have created and left for them.

It is a generation that sees through the colour of peoples skin and their religions.

It is a generation that truly values diversity, egalitarianism and liberalism.

It is a generation that is not obsessed with petty minded selfish materialism at the exploitation of others.

It is a generation that is truly global, rather than tribal, nationalistic or divided by religious belief like their predecessors.

It is a generation that will blast through the problems that we have created in regions such as the Middle East and our environment.

It is a post imperialist generation, with holistic human values unrivalled by any previous – Altiora Peta

The change has already started in Canada with the election of a Prime Minister that in many ways is closest to representing the value set of this generation. It didn’t really take much to have equal representation of men and women or substantive representation of minorities in a government – simply a genuine belief in what was best, fair minded and right. This could have been achieved anytime in the last 3,000 years of democracy, but

“previous generations have been myopic small thinkers, constrained by their own narrow minded view of humanity, self interest, tribal instincts based on race and religion.”

Stuff the crude, racist, crusader heroes of the past, I say – Churchill and Bush are simply a pedestal for the Jakes of the future.

“The future is indeed in great hands!”

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust I screeem!!

I scream Holocaust from every roof top because the word needs to be liberated! It’s a word that since WWII has been completely stifled and monopolised by the Jews. So much so that if used in any other context, it is considered offensive!!

As was recently witnessed, when the former captain of Team Australia – a complete puppet of Israel – got his nickers in a knot over the use of this word!

Abbott’s Holocaust gaffe–courtesy of Youtube

The strength of the Jewish lobby has even resulted in a sub-definition of “The Holocaust” being included in the oxford dictionary which refers specifically to the horrendous atrocities inflicted on the Jews in Europe. Clearly this would not have been the case prior to WWII.

It is also interesting that at the very time that the Jewish holocaust was taking place, there was another, of equal devastation (6-9 million) happening in India – Churchill’s Holocaust on the sub-humans of Bengal through wilful starvation. One that very few, if anyone, are aware of or cares about. There were some differences in that they were not murdered with bullets or guns but simply allowed to starve to death on the streets by taking away their food and diverting it to feed the rich fat Englishmen and their armies fighting in Europe. Effectively, they were robbed of their food and left to starve.

Churchill’s Holocaust–The Bengal famine.

Of course Western nations prefer to be ignorant of the crimes they committed as Winston Churchill (A recent prominent leader of the SuCs) said of the event

“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people  with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits”

and when the Delhi government sent a telegram painting a picture of the devastation

“Then why hasn’t Gandhi died yet?”

So much for the heroes of the SuCs! – all note worthy causes for being awarded the Nobel prize for “defending exalted human values”!! Clearly some humans have more value than others and sub-humans have none what-so-ever!

Winston-Churchill and the Beastly rabbits

Here are some of the other Holocausts that purely due to the victims being non-whte, non-christian sub-humans, have not really been on the radar.

- Hiroshima and Nagasaki

- Killing fields in Cambodia

- Guantanamo Bay

- Palestine

- Tutsi’s

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Who are the GuSWhiSuCs?!


The name GuSWhiSuCs (in short, the SuCs pronounced “Sooks”) comes from the GUngho-Saxon-WHIte-SUpremacy-Crusaders. This is simply a collective noun used to describe a group who otherwise don’t have a collective noun, much like the term Al Quaeda or Daesh.

The SuCs are of Anglo-Saxon heritage and have controlled the world for a near 300 years. Their power is based on military might and they have a rather Gung-ho approach to most things, particularly when it comes to demolishing other civilisations and people around the globe – thereby Gunho-Saxon

They strongly believe in White Supremacy and maintaining the power balance to ensure that Whites do continue to control the world and they use their religion Christianity to justify the horror that they spread through-out the world.

They have maintained a thousand years of Crusades against the Islam religion and continue to do so.

In their modern manifestation, the three main contributors to this group are the British, USA and Australia. There are only 2 other nations who are Anglo Celtic dominated – NZ and Canada – who have shown a dislike to the gung-ho mentality of this group, and to-date have refrained from joining the crusader expeditions of the group.

The term SuCs suits them well, as they mostly engage in wars in other countries, using military weapons that are vastly superior to their enemy – weapons that are fired from miles away, ensuring that none of their personnel are in danger. They use their slaves (Ghurkhas, Israel, the Iraqi and Afghanistan governments etc.)  to perform the dangerous work.

In their on-going pursuit to maintain their power and enforce their value set, they are usually in direct conflict with the UN and the more considered nations of Europe.

The horrors caused by their actions are mostly experienced when the pleb SuCs elect mad hatter right wing leaders.

In their minds, they are the protectors of the universe and there is just one and only one god – their god all mighty – ALLELUJAH!!

This is not to say that every one of Aglo-celtic decent belongs to this mob a vast many do not. Nor is it unusual for a regime to cling on to their power by performing atrocities – we have seen this from time memorial – Greeks, Romans, Mongolians etc. Nor is it possible to say that the next “super” power will be any better.

It’s just that they have been fortunate to be in power during the period when power became truly global. It has also been a period when human weapons reached a point where we can destroy the whole world in a matter of seconds. Therefore it will take longer for power transitions to take place. WWII did dismantle some of their strangle-hold with close to 7 billion of their slaves finding freedom.

The Economy and population have now become the new nuclear bomb. This will really shake the mob up. So will the domination of the SuCs be coming to an end?!!!

Are Dumb and Dumber leading the Australian Cricket Team?!


A few months ago (say during the ashes test series), if you asked the question, who are the dumb crickets in the Aussie team (or in the world, for that matter), it is very likely that most would have included Steve Smith in that list. Then if you followed that up by asked the question, who would you consider to be dumber, then undoubtedly, most would have included Warner! – get my drift?!

One might argue that if Steve was on the list, so would everyone else on that ashes tour – Khawaja was not on the team then. Fair argument. It’s not that everyone knows that Steve is dumb, it’s more that we don’t know that he isn’t, we usually classify all Aussie cricketers dumb and he mostly appears to be an amicable, naive country bumpkin, to whom there was nothing more to life than smacking a cricket ball around the park.

It is disconcerting when Cricket Australia (CA) appoints as skipper, a player that hasn’t even been a certain selection in the team just a few months prior to his appointment.

This has happened before, but usually when there is some wise ole’ sage with years of cricket experience backed by a degree in nuclear physics from Cambridge! Appointed for their brilliance in strategy and leadership – a la Mike Brearley changing the course of a whole ashes series!

Smith was selected as a bowler and didn’t really get to bowl and then to the relief of CA scored a gazillion runs in the most whimsical manner (I used to think it was an embarrassment that Australia would have to resort to players with such atrocious batting techniques, in the test arena).

“Place-holder for Smith’s crazy shots video!!”

To their credit (I think?!#$%), CA backed this kid, just as they had done with other “untouchables” like Hughes – untouchable only because they would be given all the easy opportunities to cement their places whilst their competition would be given the real tough conditions to fail – thereby justifying CA’s decisions – Khawaja being one of the victims – it’s great to see him flourish now that he has finally been given the opportunity to play on conditions that he is accustomed to – an opportunity to succeed.

The timing has been great for Steve, The schedule appears to provide him a lengthy honey-moon period with the initial test series being against Bangladesh, NZ and the West Indies. NZ could have been a competitive affair if they had played on more reasonable pitches with some time acclimatise to them – rather than the Blacktown paddy-field debacle (since when did touring test teams play games in Blacktown?!!! – we will be accommodating them in Blacktown too! – close to the grounds, you see!).

For a nation that likes to whinge about other nations’ pitches, the Blacktown debacle was a real doozy!!

The GABBA and WACA (arguably the worst test pitch on earth) are real gimme’s for the Aussies – no other country really wants to play on them. The third test in Adelaide, where there might have been some competition will be the “pink ball test”!! I doubt any Kiwi, at test level or otherwise, has played with a pink ball!!! So, the CA have mitigated the potential risk of a loss, brilliantly!

But there are some real refreshing aspects to Smith’s captaincy as well. He clearly has not been in the team for long enough to have ingrained in him the typical Aussie cricket culture.

“Having been the lackey in the team, he obviously wasn’t involved in much of the nonsense that Aussie teams are reputed for and proud of.” 

I don’t recall Smith ever being involved in any distasteful behaviour on the cricket field or otherwise – unlike his predecessor who was involved in 3 unsavoury incidents and was promptly rewarded by the CA with his appointment as vice captain!!!

Since when has an Aussie player or official (let alone skipper) ever admitted something negative about a team member. It was refreshing to see Smith, in his usual unassuming naive manner say he would have to have a word with his fast bowler after the nasty ball throwing incident!

Smith really does have an opportunity to change the rotten culture of the team. Australia has just played against a couple of teams where the culture is the complete opposite to theirs – England and NZ. Will Smith’s attitude rub-off on the team or will the CA culture override him and bring him into line? – time will tell.

If Smith does bring a change in culture, then it will completely destroy my theory that the reason Aussie cricketers are thugs and louts is because of the low level of intelligence and self-esteem in the team. See, the louts such as Ian Chappell, Rodney Marsh and the many who followed will never be esteemed as gentlemen or role models as is the case with the Sangakaras,Tandulkars, Lloyds or even the Strauss or Gowers of the world – but that’s a story for another day.

I’d rather a well behaved fair minded Aussie team than my theory remaining accurate! Go on Smith – here is your challenge!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Are Australian Company Boards the dumbest?!!

There will be thousands of kids who would be relieved after just completing their HSC this week. Amongst them will be the kids of first or second generation migrants. And a great proportion of that will be Asian migrants – Australians don’t see European (yes, “white”) migrants as migrants at all, migrants are Asian or African.

In a few weeks the results will be published and when one reads the honours list, one tends to have a quick flick to the front page, just to make sure one was reading an Australian news paper (ok, the banner on your web page)! The names will all be Asian with some exceptions of Eastern Europeans.

At the same time, there will be hundreds of boards meeting around Australia and all of them, without exception, will be as white as white can be. Ok, there are some exceptions, where some Asian tycoon has setup a company in Australia.

Several months back, the SMH published some humorous charts on the capabilities of students and their ethnicities “Asian students more likely to be in HSC honours list”.






Whaaaaat?!!! the English are the worst at English?!!!!

Well, that’s not entirely surprising. Which Englishman (or woman) with any intelligence would leave England and Europe to live in Australia?!! As for the Welsh, well, one can excuse them, they have there own insufferable language!

The only reason to question this data is that . . .

. . . apparently the Irish can Add?!!! – that’s gotta be a joke of some sort!

Somewhat questionable, judging the experiences of yours truly!

Apart from that minor aberration, it is undoubtedly the case that the cream of the crop are from Asia. This trend is maintained in universities as well (although it’s harder to get the data), and all the way to lower-middle management. But that is where the infamous “bamboo ceiling” hits. There is little representation in senior management and board rooms.

So the verdict has to be that

Aussie company boardrooms are gatherings of white people who can’t Add, Can’t write English and have no Logical capability!!

The question is, How can this be?!!

The standard white conservative answers to this questions are

1. “it will take time”!

2. Asians lack the “soft skills”

All of them, true. However the latter applies to every race and the first one really depends on the willingness to change.

Q&A recently touched on this issue and the responses of any intellectual substance came from, yes, you guessed it – an Asian and an American!

Q&A discussion on Racism against Asians

Taxi drivers with the highest IQ in the world are in Australia. They are usually Phd qualified from all non-white parts of the world! At least one can have an intelligent conversation while in a cab!

The “It will take time” excuse

Yes, it will take time and it will take even longer in Australia. Remembering that Australia is

“One of only 2 countries that have ever had a codified apartheid regime against coloured – the white Australia policy”

The racism against Asians is deeply rooted in a majority of white Australians. Asians are great when they serve Aussies on cheap holidays and when the pervert oldies want a sex slave for a wife, but otherwise they are either “curry munchers” or “bow legged yellow skins”.

The efficiency argument brought up in the video, simply does not work in Australia. Australia has never been efficient at anything. It is an economy based on digging up cheap minerals and resources out of the ground and selling it to other countries. There simply is no need for efficiency in that.

Due to the small population and the low population density, many foreign companies stay away from Australia rather not compete in this Market. Banks are a classic example. The foreign banks came in when the sector was deregulated, but were mostly gone within 5 years. And so, Australian banks are arguable the most profitable collusion in the world.

And when efficiency is irrelevant, the majority can afford to be racist and suppress the more capable minorities – particularly so when there is an over supply of skills.

Asians Lack “soft” skills

This is another wonderful invention. The definition of soft skills is really skills that are completely subjective. It is purely an invention to make any assessment of skills for a role subjective rather than objective.

As was mentioned in the video, there are many Asians with the so called “soft” skills and capabilities to lead companies in Australia, just as they are doing in Asian countries that will soon surpass Australia.

There is a saying in Australia that

if you wake up in a hospital and the doctors are all Anglo Celtic - then get the hell outa there!

In other words, it is unlikely that there would be doctors or surgeons of Aglo-Celtic decent – it is likely to be a scam of some sort!

The moral of the story is that, in any field where deep skills are required to perform a role, it will be dominated by Asians and non Anglo – Celtics. It is the roles where no skills are required where “soft” skills appear to prop up, and needless to say, these roles are dominated by Anglo-Celtics. This is also the reason that Australia will remain the lucky country rather that the smart country

Asian migration, as controlled as it is, is increasing the IQ of Australia.

So, there is some chance, the Asians will be able to drag Australia out of the deep mines into the Asian century and make Australia competitive and even intelligent. Maybe one day

The Taxi drivers will be leading our companies and the directors driving our taxis!

Maybe that would cause a safety hazard on the roads!