Thursday 20 August 2015

Uh oh!!! is this the beginning of the end for Waleed Aly?! A matter of white and brown!

I’m sure everyone’s seen the Aly- Price discussion. But what are the implications of Aly’s actions?

It’s not a matter of right and wrong – it never is. It’s a matter of white and brown! As Aly himself has implied before, the Gungho Saxon White Supremacist Crusader (GSWSC) mob will tolerate inferior coloured folks as long as they stay in their submissive little corner and continue making the mob fatter and richer. The last thing they want is a Muslim (synonymous to terrorist in Aussie) to have the cheek of cutting off one of the mouth pieces of the neo-con faction of the mob!

Price would never be able to spa with Aly on the basis of intelligence or knowledge on this or perhaps any issue at all. But with Price’s adoring mob dumbly following him, Aly does not stand a chance! Price will not let it stop here. It is a matter of time before the next salvo is fired.

Aly has usually been very cautious about being confrontational and it’s worked well for him with even some white Aussies being able to appreciate his intelligence. His technique has been to ask questions rather than drum points of view.

But with this action, has Aly stepped too far out of his allocated little corner and will all sanity be wiped-out by the overwhelming tribal instincts of the mob and Aly soon be missing from any mainstream media?!

My prediction is that it will start with some pictures of Aly with crazy twisted facial expressions (Alan Jones like) and possibly a picture with him dressed in Islamic attire and brandishing a machine gun (Saddam like!). C’mon Telegraph, get the creative team on to it – let’s see what you can do!

I guess, time will tell!

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