Thursday, 20 August 2015

Uh oh!!! is this the beginning of the end for Waleed Aly?! A matter of white and brown!

I’m sure everyone’s seen the Aly- Price discussion. But what are the implications of Aly’s actions?

It’s not a matter of right and wrong – it never is. It’s a matter of white and brown! As Aly himself has implied before, the Gungho Saxon White Supremacist Crusader (GSWSC) mob will tolerate inferior coloured folks as long as they stay in their submissive little corner and continue making the mob fatter and richer. The last thing they want is a Muslim (synonymous to terrorist in Aussie) to have the cheek of cutting off one of the mouth pieces of the neo-con faction of the mob!

Price would never be able to spa with Aly on the basis of intelligence or knowledge on this or perhaps any issue at all. But with Price’s adoring mob dumbly following him, Aly does not stand a chance! Price will not let it stop here. It is a matter of time before the next salvo is fired.

Aly has usually been very cautious about being confrontational and it’s worked well for him with even some white Aussies being able to appreciate his intelligence. His technique has been to ask questions rather than drum points of view.

But with this action, has Aly stepped too far out of his allocated little corner and will all sanity be wiped-out by the overwhelming tribal instincts of the mob and Aly soon be missing from any mainstream media?!

My prediction is that it will start with some pictures of Aly with crazy twisted facial expressions (Alan Jones like) and possibly a picture with him dressed in Islamic attire and brandishing a machine gun (Saddam like!). C’mon Telegraph, get the creative team on to it – let’s see what you can do!

I guess, time will tell!

Is the Australian electorate the most dumb in the world?!

Australia is widely considered as the “Lucky” country. And the “Lucky” country it truly is. A miniscule population sparsely populating the East coast, a few “rich fat white men”greedily and inhumanely protecting “ownership” of this mineral rich continent.

Many Prime Ministers, mostly Labor, have had visions of transforming the nation from simply being a lucky nation to one that is considered an intelligent equal at the global conference – not simply the arse-end hole in the ground providing resources and canon fodder for the wars of the “real” nations. Hawke referred to the “Clever country”, Keating the “creative” country and Gillard the educated country. All of these are great visions, but has Australia actually achieved any of this?

There are many “scientific” ways of analysing this and many of the indicators suggest that we punch way below our weight on measures relating to intelligence. But lets humour ourselves by looking at it from a perspective that’s never been done before!! – that is from the perspective of the Australian electorate's ability to elect intelligent capable people to lead the nation. The proof of such an assessment would suggest that we are rapidly travelling in the opposite direction to the vision.

In recent times, there have been two rather telling arguments being presented in the media about the quality of the current mob in government.

  1. Is Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott the most incompetent leader of any industrialized democracy?
  2. Is Tony Abbott’s regime the worst federal government ever?

The first argument was presented by none other than a non-Australian think tank focussed on the Asia Pacific region. The assessment of the PM came rather late – many had made this judgement even before Phony was elected let alone a year and a bit after. The Joshua Kurlantzick’s view was a refreshing outsider perspective that cut above the usual blinkered, inward-looking squabbling that one finds in the comments of the Sydney Morning Herald.

What is ironic is that we had the clear opportunity to elect arguably the most intelligent PM that we (or any country) ever had in Malcolm Turnbull, but we declined this. Malcolm is considered un-electable by his own party. Why, you may ask?!! Sadly the answer is that he is seen as too smart for the job!

OK, voting Phony to be the “captain” could be seen as an oversight by the electorate. After all, the electorate does not select it’s PM, it simply elects members of Parliament and it is the Liberal party that choses it’s leader. But the electorate has no excuse for electing the government – that lies fairly and squarely in the hands and mind (however little) of the electorate.

The electorate kicked out one government due to a single so called “lie” for a government that was lies, lies and nothing but lies!! The Australian public have had to deal with so many lies over the last year or so that we are completely insensitive to it – a far cry from where they were when the previous government was in power. Where Australia felt that Julia should be kicked out purely due to a half lie (yes, a half lie because the party had never shied away from a carbon price and whilst a market based system was it’s preference, due to the Green’s, Labor had to compromise and have a Tax/ levy – whatever one wants to call it - for a limited period, prior to moving to a Market base solution), but a tsunami of lies has done little to Phony’s position in the polls.

The sudden change in the electorate’s appetite for lies is obvious. I guess it’s a bit like rain – when there is a drought, even a slight sprinkle is noticed but during a monsoon, we simply don’t care about each shower of rain! Undoubtedly, Phony and his merry men have conditioned the Aussie electorate and are capitalising on the insensitivity of the electorate to broken promises.

The lack of capability of this government to achieve anything visionary or otherwise is astounding – the statistics show that as highlighted in the second article. To the part-time observer, it appears that the government has given up and the individuals are now looking at how they can feather their nests for the future.

Getting back to my key argument, the question has to be asked, who is responsible for electing the worst government led by the dumbest PM? Yes, it is the Australian electorate! Does that not imply that the electorate that choses the worst government led by the dumbest PM - yes, you got it -  must be the dumbest electorate in the world?!!!