Saturday, 30 May 2015

Aussie Citizens for sale! Is the mad Abbot creating heaven on Earth?!

Maybe our dear leader is smarter than we give him credit for. Just imagine an Australia with only the people that we like?!!! Wouldn't that be the nearest we would get to "heaven on Earth"?!!

Our dear leader has let out another one of his "fart bubbles" (yes, a bit crude may be, but they do have a nasty stench to them and they clearly don't come from a thinking mind!!). Strip people of their citizenships for being freedom fighters, ooops. . . I mean terrorists!!!

Many aspects of this fart bubble are problematic let alone the very basic one of the definition of Terrorism. I'm sure I need not repeat the saying that goes "one mans terrorist is . . . . ". Does that mean that every person who carries out an act of terror on other people will be stripped of their citizenship? Maybe half the teachers in schools, the policemen and undoubtedly the clergy will be on some bright orange boat soon, to some place that will have 'em! Why even my local butcher could terrorise a few people when he wields his sharpened knife! Or maybe a terrorist will be defined from the perspective of the fat rich white men, all members of the Gung-ho Saxon White Supremacy Crusader mob.

It then raises the questions of whether being a terrorist is the worst crime possible and if stripping one of their citizenship is the worst penalty that can be dished out! Or are we now starting a whole new way of dishing out penalties by assigning particular types of penalties based on the nature of the crime, regardless of the severity. Some might argue that we already have that, but really the penalty system is quite simple, it is either financial or a period of incarceration. Yes, I'm all for it! Let's have all the politicians use their creativity to dish out penalties at their discretion - stuff the courts, they were pretty nasty anyway! The politicians should be given turns to be creative.

We now have the notion that there is no trial, it is simply a dictatorial decision by a minister!! Human rights are somewhat over rated and so is the English legal system. This is somewhat like a system that would be suggested by Saddam, Stalin, Thatcher, Reagan or the Knesset (the whole bloomin' lot of 'em). Lets bring in a few more penalties like chopping off ears, tongues, fingers, female genitals, castration - the list is endless and is limited only by the ministers' creativity and imagination. Just imagine, we could spend our week-ends with the kids, stoning a terrorist!! Would beat the state or origin any day!

Human rights have never been a strong point of our dear leader and his team. Nor has it been something that any Aussie really gives a darn about, except when it becomes an issue of their own rights. The mad abbot will have to tread cautiously. He will not want the Australian chapter of the Gung-ho Saxon White Supremacy Crusader mob thinking that it might impact them. But this is very easily avoided. He'll just have to position it as a means to get rid of those radical Muslim types who wear long beards, peculiar head gear, pyjamas during the day and the chics are so modest that not only do they cover their whole bodies in bed sheets but they even cover their faces so we can't perve at 'em!!! That 'll fix it. In any case, many of the chapter would be descendants of others who were stripped of their citizenship generations back - so they will be able to relate to it pretty well.

Once we're rid of the radical Muslim types, we are going to have to find away to rid the others we dislike. As long as we have the chapter comfortable, we will be able to move on to the others - all the bow legged yellow skins - particularly the ones that arrived by boat, all those Niggers from Africa and curry munchers from the sub-continent and of course the abos (who have been a drain on the economy since forever - that will fix the deficit!.

Wow!! This is feeling like heaven already!

There is still one problem outstanding - once we've gathered these terrorists and stripped them of there citizenship, what do we do with 'em? We could put em on orange boats and point 'em in many directions and let them solve their own problem. OK, the stupid UN might create a hoo-ha, but we've never paid much notice to them.

But picture this. . . . A steamy, humid day in some port in a poverty stricken Asian (pacific Island or African) state - say Cambodia or PNG - a fenced off square, in the middle of the bustling town. Some bright orange boats have just arrived. A line of terrorists tortured and chained in impossible positions, shuffle into the ring in their bright orange outfits. They've been sailing for weeks enjoying the party atmosphere of loud music 24X7, water boarding and propaganda. The auctioneers (the Bishop and Dutton) are ready! But this auction is a bit different - it is won by the lowest bidder! Australia will pay any nation to take on these citizen-less terrorists.

The usual culprits are present for bidding. The other chapters of the mob - Uk and US, and of course the poverty stricken countries for whom the payment is split (the auction fee and bribe for the politicians and officials).

The first terrorist shuffles in and the US keenly bid $10 million! UK halves the US bid at $5M. But all present know that these bids are just a show of support from their chapters. The real bidding starts when PNG bids $1M. Vietnam brings it down a further $100k and so it goes on until the final bid of $100 by Cambodia - which wouldn't even cover the cost of travel for the other nations. But guess what, we've got rid of our terrorists and alike at a $100 a pop plus a couple of million as bribes for the officials!!!

Now, it really is the closest thing to heaven!

But Alas! like all his other ultra conservative "fart bubbles" this one will be gone pretty soon. At least some of the team are talking back at the captain and running like mad to ensure they are not associated in anyway to this swill. The captain knows  he no longer has any power. He will give into anything that will keep him as captain and keep the numbers up. I suspect that even our dear leader is beginning to question his own farts!

We can only dream!

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