Well this was one that I simply could not let pass by - the pussy fight of the blonde bimbos or “Two Bimbos and the Shrink”. It exposed the real Aussie work place and does put in context how artificial the whole women's liberation thing is in Anglo Saxon culture. This whole thing of an older blonde chic desperately attempting to compete against an up and coming younger blonde chic based purely on the bonkability factor (sex appeal) is very much a symptom of Western society and particularly Anglo Saxon based society.
So, as much as we may want to go on about women's equality, as long as Western women assess their own self-worth simply on the basis of their bonkability rating, nothing really is going to change.
The real test is that if you gave images of the three chics and asked any Anglo Saxon, which one was the doctor, most if not all would pick it right.
I must say Shnooky looked particularly hot in her little "blue" number (can't say I've ever seen her before and I suspect the outfit barely covered her knickers!) - much more sexy than the old hen. It sorta equalised after she got the ugly “black” jacket on. Shnooky was never going to "remember" to wear a jacket. She wasn't going to down-grade her bonkability rating without a fight! She probably hoped the old hen would ignore it. The false expression on her face when ole hen brought it up is simply gold! A lesson for the Shnook - old chics aint gonna let you young chics get ahead too easy!!!
The media and the public went crazy over analysing the situation and attempting to rationalise it in the context of a sophisticated society. But, it really was a straight forward pussy fight - old hen, with declining bonkability rating, attempting to keep her job. Anglo Saxon culture is simple, carnal and predictable. Regardless of what one might say they both have their jobs because of their bonkability - that's how the Anglo Saxon world works. They certainly don't hold their positions due to their intellect! But then, which blonde chic does?!
The best part of the video was the shrink’s reactions which changed from amusement to disdain and complete disbelief (at the nature of the pussy fight) to an almost horrified look. Being quick thinking she offered to get a jacket on herself. But no, the ugly mother hen, needed the bonkable chic to look ugly! Of course the old hen could always have picked up a jacket herself, right?! WRONG!!
In reality, it is most probably that neither is blonde. They just have to be to work in the Anglo Saxon TV industry. Blondes have a higher bonkability rating in their culture. So, audiences are greater which means more money. Try finding a non-blonde chic on Aussie commercial TV!
The other amusing aspect was how they all switched on their happy faces in a matter of seconds and the program went through faultless. Complete superficial drivel.
Whilst Anglo Saxons make a habit of picking on faults of other cultures when it comes to treatment of women, maybe they should take a real good look at themselves! No culture sexualises their women in the way the Anglo Saxons do – and sadly it’s done by both the men and women!
So getting back to the original question of, which blonde bimbo would you rather bonk?! Frankly, I say “stuff the blondes” (pardon the pun), I bids’ the shrink!