There are so many interesting news items right now eg. juvenile detention of indigenous kids, Gassing babies, the American elections, the Sydney Piano Competition (I soooo wanna write something on that! Oh! dominated by the Russians and Chinese, I should add!). But the one I thought to be highest priority was the whole corrupt effort of the Western nations to ban the Russians from the Olympics. The media will drum all those other issues to death as will they with this story. However, they will all take an anti-Russian stance. It’s quite normal for Western media to go hysterical and lose any sense of logic when it comes to dealing with issues relating to Russia (or China for that matter).
It’s hard to fathom why this is the case, is it the Cold war (that ended 30 years ago), is it their intense dislike for Putin (Domestically, one of the most popular leaders of that country), is it the terror of communism (long gone) one can only guess. It is more likely due to a fear and realisation that the new world order – BRICS – is becoming a reality with every day that goes by.
The band wagon to ban the Russians was lead by the usual culprits – the English (Seb Coe), the Americans and a few others. And when it comes to the commie bastards, no legal framework is required, just dumb propaganda.
The case for banning Russians is extremely weak. It is based on a disgruntled whistle-blower and some still to be proven report by a serf of the group. Really wouldn’t stand up in any court and is simply hear say. The last time the coalition of the willing used a disgruntled whistle blower was when they wanted to massacre a few million people in Iraq. One thing you can be completely confident about is that when dealing with the Anglo-Celtic coalition (The GusWhiSUCs or Sucs in short) everything they say will be a complete fabrication and they will use their sophisticated (and sometimes not so sophisticated) propaganda machines to suggest that their opponents are lying or cannot be trusted. And of course, the gullible plebs are true believers.
The easiest way to win medals at the Olympics (and winning has become commercially critical to these nations) is to eliminate the strongest rivals – remember the Aussie Ice skater Steven Bradbury. Historically the Russians have been one of the stronger teams at the Olympics. By banning them there are more medals for your own athletes and its a great boost to the national ego. I just heard that by banning the Russian women’s rowing eights, the Aussie team has been given a place – you see, it’s all self-interest.
The Sucs’ media has never been able to conduct a structured analysis of any of it’s “opponents” (let alone the Russians or Chinese) – it just turns into a hysterical barrage of propaganda.
When it comes to doping in sport, there is no bigger offender than the US. That is if you consider the number of competitors that get caught. But that is simply the tip of the iceberg. The US also has the most sophisticated drug program and are therefore least likely to get caught. Besides that the commercial benefit of winning medals is so great that there is no incentive for the authorities to clamp down on it. It is far more beneficial to go harassing the less sophisticated drug programs in Russia and China.
Of course the biggest losers are the third world countries. Not only are they unable to afford the legal performance enhancing techniques, they definitely do not have the wherewithal to run a clandestine doping program.
With the professionalisation and commercialisation (Coco Cola games) of the Olympics, there was never going to be any chance of setting an even remotely level playing field. The games has simply become a source for big corporates to create the resources for increasing their profits.Nevertheless, it is one of the greatest spectacles and a majority of us, (yours truly, included), adore the event.
The West has a track record (sorry!) for using the Olympics as a weapon against Russia. It’s either a boycott or ban of one sort or another. Remember when the Coalition of the willing boycotted the Moscow Olympics due to , guess what, an invasion of Afghanistan?!! Ummm… now doesn’t that sound familiar. But I don’t recall the Russians doing anything of the sort for the coalitions invasion of the very same country nor the war crime that is the Iraq war.
See, the Russians are just a bit more mature and not into the sabre rattling that is required by the Western leaders to keep their own electorates happy.
The Sucs use the phrase “State sponsored” doping to differentiate themselves from the former communist nations. This is done not purely when it comes to doping, but also anything else, due to the nature of centralised planning. So, when some rebel group fire a missile at a commercial flight flying within a war zone by accident, it is Russia committing a crime! On the other hand when the Sucs commit atrocities such as bombing innocent villages in Syria or blasting a whole nation on a fabricated lie, it is merely collateral damage. And I won’t even touch on the atrocities of Israel!
No Suc has ever been charged or executed for war crimes, even though the Iraq war was an illegal invasion of another country.
Country | Medals returned |
United States | 11 |
Russia | 4 |
China | 1 |
Olympic Medals returned due to doping
So why do we keep wanting to ban Russia and China?! The thing is that the evidence would suggest to any logical individual that we should be banning a whole different set of nations.
The Americans hide behind an excuse that the doping is conducted by individuals and the State has no involvement. But it is this very excuse that encourages it. We all know that if the US wanted to reduce it, they could very well do it. And taking it a step further, if the IOC banned the Americans for one Olympics for doping (rather than illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and other atrocities) then the games would be so much more cleaner.
The Sucs continued obsession to bully Russia and China is clearly related to the emergence of the New world order. As their (the Sucs) relevance decreases their attempts to bully their new masters increases. The change in power structure was evident in the IOC’s decision to stand by Russia and snub the SUCS. This is something that would never have happened 10 years ago or even 5!
The Sucs do not see the individual athletes of these nations as humans who have dedicated a life time to achieve their dreams and hopes of competing at the Olympics. They see them as an enemy to be squashed, somehow.
This was evident when the Turks (supposedly, more likely to have been the Yanks) shot down a Russian aircraft in Syria. The whole Western world gathered behind the Turks in support. This was clearly an act of aggression, where there was no danger what-so-ever. Whilst there would have been a father, mother, wife and children who mourned their loss, the West simply saw it as collateral damage! Just as they have no remorse for the millions of Iraqi’s they have murdered nor the chaos created in Iraq and Syria (or the entire middle East and Muslim world).
Lieutenant colonel Peshkov was murdered while he was parachuting or shortly after – an act violating the Geneva convention. An Act performed by Turkmen rebel fighters lead by a Turk. So, I guess it was a war crime of Turkey (using the logic of the Sucs in relation to Ukraine and flight MH17) or stretching the logic a bit further, NATO and the Yanks. Is anyone screaming for justice?!
So, America might once again win a great many medals at the games, but one should be suspicious of every single medal they win, rather than bashing the communists!