Sunday, 29 May 2016

Imagine a Universe with no Israel!!

Peace and laughter
Hmmmm. . . . flowers, bees, birds, crystal clear rivulets, wonderful fragrances, peace, doves, children playing on beautiful beaches, John Lennon. . .. .. OK, THATS ENOUGH!! Back to reality!!!
That universe would be pretty boring anyway! What, with no Sabre rattling and threats to wipe out the whole of the Middle East with a force of a mere 3,500 of our valiant and gallant members of the ADF?!!! No kid’s body parts splattered on the beaches, No wedding parties blown up to smithereens, no kids being machine gunned down cos they threw stones!! Where’s the excitement and adrenaline rush?!! And all that without even thinking about “death cults” and “evil caliphates”.

Clearly the forefathers of the Gungho-Saxon-White-Supremacy-Crusader mob, didn’t want us to be bored. Not only did they create this piece of mischief, simply cos a book from the dark ages said so and they just could, but they put a bunch of terrorists in charge and funded (and keep funding) the worlds most dangerous military force and nuclear arsenal. Oh! but lets not talk about that, we just gotta divert the attention to Iran and Korea!
Just imaging if we had dumped this misguided, self-pitying mob in the middle of the Sahara or Nevada or even some part of central Australia where the Gungho-Saxon-White-Supremacy-Crusader mob nuked out the original inhabitants! Wow, is that feeling of peace and serendipity returning?! But that’s not what the good book said nor is it what generations of the Gungho-Saxon-White-Supremacy-Crusader mob have fought for. Remember how as kids we glorified the likes of Richard the “lion heart”?!! All that for nothing?!!!
Hitler committed atrocities to many races, nations and religious groups but we have not had the Russians seeking revenge for over half a century and they suffered more than the Jews. Nor did we have the Vietnamese get hung-up by the atrocities committed to them by the sponsors of the Jewish state. They simply moved on.
At the very same time the SuCs national hero, Winston Churchill, was inflicting his own Holocaust of even greater magnitude on the empire’s sub-humans in Bengal. But did we hear a squeak from the Bengalese! Of course, it was not Churchill’s fault what-so-ever.
In contrast, we will have to live forever in the shadows of Jewish revenge. The MOSSAD has been working tirelessly to even things out on the atrocities front (one would have to use a multiplier of many thousands on any statistic relating to this matter)! The MOSSAD is probably the only state funded organisation whose primary existence is based on the notion of REVENGE!!
Bully boys v03 optimised
So, we’re in the midst of an election in the only apartheid state in the universe and heaven forbid, the Arabs are actually voting!!! Get out there you Zionists and beat the crap outa ‘em – in a metaphorical sense in the context of the election, that is – you are already doing that in a literal sense.
So while the Gungho-Saxon-White-Supremacy-Crusader mob indulge in their blood sports and use their pawns to create more mischief to counteract their boredom, the rest of the peace loving world has to grin and bare it all (I wonder if things will be any better when China takes over?!!).

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Is Bishop the quintessential Blonde Bitch . . . ummm, I mean Bimbo?!!

Sorry, just using her own parlance! Maybe it’s acceptable for a woman to call another a bitch in parliament, but people do get their knickers in a knot when a guy uses the term on a woman. So, let’s leave aside the Bitch and focus on the Bimbo!
The Bishop and the Bitch!
There are a few of aspects relating to Blonde Bimbos that are undisputed.
    1. Most of them, aren’t blonde
    2. They are blonde, because when viewing through Western societies’ lenses, Blonde is sexy and sexy is good - gets you further in life!
    3. As they are usually operating at a level of incompetence, they are susceptible to many a gaffe!
Julie BishopJulie bishop full
OK, I’m no expert on hair colour, but she sure does have dark roots(pardon the pun!!) and that is as far as I will take that part of the discussion.
Bishop has undoubtedly had a privileged upbringing and has clearly leveraged her sex appeal (and possible blondeness) to good use – a classic case of “nice from far, but far from nice”! Through-out her life she has been the show-pony, at Clayton Utz, even attending Harvard (do they select on sex appeal?!)! Apart from being the blonde show-pony, she had all the tick boxes checked!
Despite all of this, this is a woman that the “Fiberal” party never see as leading them. Yes, she’s great to have as the side-show glamour chic, but not the the front and centre leader. To her credit, she has clung on to many a court tail, bed hopping as required to maintain her role as the show pony.
When the PM was away in Paris, recently, the Bimbo was in charge! There were just two matters that the Bimbo had to address and in true neo-con, Liberal style, the Bimbo simply gave inaccurate facts (Aussie media is incapable of holding our politicians accountable, they simply pass on the drivel that the politician excrete.).
  1. The contribution to the Climate fund
  2. The phone call she was involved in with Morrison and Turnbull
On the former, Australia burdened by Climate change sceptics and introverted selfish drivers,  has been dragged along kicking and screaming in to the conference in Paris. Turnbull has shown circus like skills in juggling the various Looney views of his party and still presenting a half-respectable front at the conference (although continually being shown-up as a spoilt, selfish, climate change pariah, in all the papers being presented). Being the largest Island in the world, it’s going to be awhile before Australia is under water, so Australians are completely inept in their ability to understand all the fuss!
When pointed out that Australia’s commitment to the Climate fund was a re-allocation from the Aid budget rather than new funding, Bishop towed the party line of admitting that (somewhat a surprise as the “Fibs” usually simply lie and move on -  Malcolm obvious decided not to lie on this matter). But rather than stop at that, Julie could not help, but add some farcical gibberish on how “that is what the leaders of the island nations wanted”!!!
Unfortunately, once again, we were in Bimbo territory. Which pacific nation would say to Australia that they should not add more funds, but simply divert the aid budget to climate change?! What is worse is that the Aussie media simply listened and broadcast this drivel – no questioning or even more appropriately ridicule, what-so-ever!
The second matter was in relation to her “Lady Macbeth” like role in the leadership shenanigans. Clearly Abbott’s and Bishop’s recollection of the events are poles apart. At least one of them is fabricating stories and most probably they are both. The Australian public almost expect this of their Fiberal politicians. Strangely enough, not so from their Labor party representative – remember the Gillard big lie – Carbon Tax?!
Some of Ms Bimbo’s explanations for her conduct between February 2015 and the spill were simply torturous to listen to. Every other word was a fabrication.
Bed hopping 640X480
More recently we had the hilarity of the swapped missing islands debacle!
Another blonde bimbo moment for Julie!
Even then, Ms Bimbo had the audacity to blame that insensitive stuff-up on the Labor party!!! On the direct competition front between the bimbo and her Nemesis, Plyberseck, it’s 2 to zip on my count!
Of course, We are well versed with the “Fiberals” attitude to the endangered pacific Islands. How so, you ask?! Well, they told us!!
We love our Islander neighbours!
Bishop was the beneficiary of the missile attack on MH370. This was the puuurfect opportunity for Abbott and Bishop to gain some popularity back home through some sabre rattling on the global stage. The dreary black suited European politicians just loved having the spunky blonde amongst them adding a bit of spice to their otherwise boring existence. So whilst Australia may have lost a few lives, they did the most sabre rattling. Accusing Putin and threatening to “Shirt front” (I must admit, it was not purely the Russians that dived into their Oxford dictionaries attempting to understand the exact meaning of the phrase, yours truly was quite mystified too!) another global leader for what was clearly an error, whether it be by the Russians or any other party. This was one instance where the term collateral damage was possibly excusable.
Abbott had his 15 minutes of glory and Bishop, maybe 25. But pretty much everything Australia did during that period was a complete stuff-up – either a bit pre-mature or based on completely wrong information or no information at all – as they say, never let the facts get in the way of a good story, or in this case, an opportunity to gain some votes. The world leaders took it for what it was – a marketing spiel targeted at domestic politics.
Aussies love their blonde chics. So, it’s not surprising that the media has not shown-up Bishop for what she is. Bitch? Bimbo? both? – that is for each of us to decide. Blonde? – that is for each of us to guess – Yours truly thinks not!