The Western world is getting their knickers in a knot over the islands created by China. But are they making a mountain out of a sand dune?! Yes, the bloody commies are invading the world again, check under the beds each night, folks, you never know who might be hiding under there!!! Be scared! Be very very scared!!!
But the crazy Bitch, ooooops!! I mean Bimbo (Julie Bishop)), in typical Aussie fashion sees no end to the opportunities!! She’s canvassing to make it a holiday resort for good ole’ Aussies!! She wants to make sure that we are all welcome there! Why, it’s gotten all the ingredients that are needed to make it a tropical paradise – nothing (literally) but pristine beaches, Asian chics to be prostituted and transmitted disease to, not too far from Aussie and has a readymade air strip! What more do ya’ need. Yea, drugs n’ alcohol – nothing that a couple of Aussie chics with surf boards couldn’t sort out!.
South sea paradise
This bimbo probably thought she was being smart at the time of her comments, but did in fact get a public whipping by her more intelligent counter part in China. Another of those ill considered comments (shirt fronting type) targeted at the domestic market to boost the Aussie pleb ego, but bimbo like on the international stage. She didn’t dare raise the matter up while she was there just a few days later. Although her counter part seemed to bring it up every now and then, just to watch her squirm!!
It appears, the Chinese may have a whole different perspective on things. This is an ingenious solution compared to the modus operandi of the West for centuries around the region. Which was to massacre the people, enslave those remaining, exploit them for commerce and sex, transmit hideous diseases and then move on to the next opportunity.
China is probably laying claim to territorial waters that were forcefully removed from them when the West colonised the whole area and then later during their obsession to support any despot that was not quite socialist communist – as Churchill said they were nothing but “chinks and pigtails”!! But let’s not let the facts get in the way of bashing up an eminent threat to the old world order.
Strangely we don’t hear much protest about Gibraltar or Falklands – Maybe it’s just a matter of time until we get used to the new world order.
Yes, people of the GusWiSucs, be scared!! Be Very, Very Scared!! China will keep expanding these Islands until there will be just one Island – China. Where are we all going to go?!!!
Be scared folks, the water levels are rising!!!
Strategically, these islands make little difference what so ever. It is clearly a political statement to the region by the dominant force of the region (and soon the world). OK, from a defensive perspective they could be strategic, but offensively, they make little difference. With all the sabre rattling of the West, we surely get uptight when a nation decides to protect itself!
Going back many decades back to my school day science experiments, I vaguely recall that when one drops something into a bucket of water the water level rises – Archimedes and all that!! My real concern is that with all these islands popping up (or down as the case may be), where is all the water going to go?!! Stuff global warming, the sea levels are going to rise at a hectic rate!!! Yes, people of the GusWiSucs, be scared!!! Very, Very Scared!!!
So much for the submerged Islands that the crazy Bimbo had luscious photographs of!!
Now I do have a great solution for that concern too!! I recall driving (or being driven by a charming Palestinian tourist guide – and yes, we did do a whole lot of driving, as the Jewish guards would not let us through the check-points, since our friend was Palestinian and send us on lengthy de-tours!) in Israel, just outside Jerusalem, past a sign-post which stated we were at sea level. And then we continued descending further and further!!! An eerie sought of feeling that if the surrounding land masses should change, the whole area would be . . .umm, just different!
I’m sure you get my trend of thought. Just a few strategically placed nuclear explosions (and don’t we have a surplus of hardware for that!) and there will be plenty of space for the surplus water! For the first time in centuries we might have receding water levels!!
The “Promised sea”
We could actually kill (do we really have to kill them?) three birds with one stone (ok, maybe a few nuclear explosions rather than a solitary stone.)!! We would have instant peace on Earth, used up the stock of nuclear weapons (there won’t be a need for them anymore!!) and solved the issues around rising sea levels. We might have to dump the paranoid Jewish state in the middle of Nevada or someplace that really likes them. But I suspect the Jewish state, by then, would have built a massive water proof bunker and they would have magically sprout some gills that will ensure their survival!
Maybe my vision of peace is a fantasy – the GusWiSucs will still be around, bullying any nation that they even remotely suspect to be militarily weak!
Isn’t it great, a couple of hours with pen and paper (ok, keyboard and mouse!) and the world’s problems solved!!