As a young child of about 5 years, I recall my brother received a comic book which idolised Churchill and his supposed “escape” from the Boer prison. I lived in a society that was still in awe of their masters and revered their heroes. My uncle was a historian and a prize possession of his, were the two gigantic volumes of fiction on WWII – the Churchill version.
Having being brought up in this environment, it was hardly surprising that I considered Churchill a great man. Why, it was only a few weeks back that at a party, churchill came up in the discussion, and one of the visitors adoringly said “Churchill won the war”!
But in fact,
Churchill did not win the war, he lost an empire!
He bungled the war (that he loved so much) sooo badly that his forces had their arses whooped and driven right back to mother England. It was fortunate that Hitler didn’t really want to fight a war with Britain or there wouldn’t have been much left of those men whose lives were mercifully saved by Hitler at Dunkirk. OK, that’s not how Churchill and his propaganda machine would present it.
Churchill’s world – graded with savages, bagamoors, vermin, dogs, baboons and more. . .
As a child, one of my friends had a whole army of plastic men and weapons. We would often fill our imaginations with wild images of war and heroes as would young boys. But then, we grew out of that stuff and moved on.
Unfortunately, in the case of Churchill, these models were a life time obsession (as was with the British aristocracy) and he attempted to take his fantasy in to the real adult world. He was a particularly dumb chap, as was evident in his school records (not necessarily more dumb than his compatriot English aristocrats, but dumb never the less). To the misfortune of Britain, he enacted his fantasy by waging an unnecessary war which killed millions and resulted in the capitulation of his empire! Due to his pompous nature, he (and the rest of Britain) was unable to accept that.
Over 7 billion people (in today’s terms), gained their freedom - no more were they raped and pillaged by their conquerors
Due to the strict hierarchical social structure in Britain, where the plebs worshipped their aristocracy (still evident in their obsession with their royalty), they dumbly followed this maniac and believed every word that was uttered out of his mouth (Undoubtedly he had a way with words, far more sophisticated than would be expected of one with his lack of intellect, which suggest that he had a good script writer – a ploy adopted by many from the times of Shakespeare!).
This was a man who had a life time obsession of being a hero. He worked on writing fictional stories of his great escapades (including his escape from prison in the Boer war), which due to his position, were never really verified – and didn’t he know it! It is unlikely that this dumb, portly, incompetent chap could organise a piss up in a brewery, let alone escape from a prison.
After the walloping during WWII, the British badly needed heroes – this was a society that lived for grand stories of heroism and massacres of “savages”. Churchill had built a perfect false facade that met this very need and hence this mad lunatic was re-elected as prime minister of a dying state.
Much is said about Hitler’s solution for the Jews. But Hitler’s views were widely spread across Europe amongst the political circles. Churchill’s support of Eugenics went much further. He wished to implement them on his very own people!! The raving lunatic wanted to segregate and castrate his own people – the one’s he considered below par!
"The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feebleminded and insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate... I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed"
On the other hand, Churchill despised every other race on Earth and was proud of it. Due to his arrogance and the bigot that he was, he couldn’t realise that he was simply a racist lunatic and he proudly blurted out his gibberish to anyone that would listen – and that was the whole of England. There were just a few of his own race who were astonished by his racism but in their usual supportive manner for the institution of aristocracy, said nothing.
Churchill’s world
One can well understand why Churchill was such a disturbed man. His world was one surrounded by baboons, stray rabid dogs, vermin, bagamoors, chinks, pig tails and Camel poo consuming savages of lesser grades. It was enough to drive anyone insane!
"barbaric hoards who ate little but camel dung,"
We are fortunate that due to this mad hatter’s arrogance we don’t need to look too hard for evidence of his racist bigoted views – why, he himself broadcasted them proudly at every opportunity he had (resulting in a whole bureaucracy being kept busy attempting to erase any evidence of it and defending this false façade that has been constructed for this looney!).
So engulfed was this man in his self-importance that to build his profile he would lay claim to many a smart quote that preceded him, often times spreading a story that involved his political rivals (fortunately most of these have now been credited to their rightful owners!!).
Let’s not be mistaken, this chump was able to mislead many in Europe at the time. To such an extent that he was able to hoodwink the custodians of the Nobel prize to award him one for literature (fiction, perhaps!)!!
"for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values"
And this for the man who purposely starved to death more people in India than Hitler could even dream of gassing (mind you, Churchill loved the thought of gassing the lesser grade savages too!)!
"I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes...[It] would spread a lively terror."
Churchill the war hero–“we shall starve them on the beaches. . .”
The Churchill enforced famine in Bengal has never been made much of by the Jews, Europe or anyone really. The Jews have been too self-obsessed taking revenge and massacring the Palestinian kids and other neighbours to worry about India and most Western Europeans or yanks would not know of it nor even believe it occurred if you told them so. But if anyone suggested that Hitler didn’t slaughter Jews, one immediately becomes a social pariah! The real “Holocaust” happened in India (I am one against the term being monopolised by any one event during WWII). The reality is that
it is in the interest of the Anglo-Celtic dominated world to over exaggerate the Jewish disaster and understate the massacre in India.
So, my advice is that whenever numbers are thrown at you about these two holocausts, halve it when it comes to the Jewish and double it when it comes to the Indian and one might end up with numbers that are remotely accurate.
Churchill and his beastly rabbits!
Churchill unashamedly said he would re-write history with the sole purpose of making him look grand. And this, he did do. With most of the western world still suckers to his piece of fiction and this is precisely why the principle I suggested might work!
A murderous villain gets awarded a Nobel prize for “defending exalted human values” – is that not ironic and does that not degrade the achievements of the other deserved winners. Churchill’s primary rival, Mahatma Gandhi never did receive a Nobel prize and yet whilst Churchill is a mere flicker in the minds of my generation, he is forgotten in the next, Gandhi will be eternal. The thing is that,
it is never those who inflict horror and terror on others who become the heroes in the long term, it is to those who bring freedom to millions that the honour is bestowed.
The likes of Gandhi and Mandela will never require a whole government sponsored organisation nor even a Nobel prize to make heroes of them – they just are!
I guess if Hitler won the war, he would have been awarded one for “peace and humanity” as well. He would have awarded himself the award, like it or not and maybe it would have been justified due to the billions of people who gained freedom (and guess what, we wouldn’t have had the problem that is Israel!)!!
Clearly a right royal stuff up by the commissions responsible for the Nobel prize. There is no doubt that the good ole’ chump would have been bribing and pushing every button he could, to get the award. Maybe one day, we will find out the dirt behind that one.
In the end, for his atrocities and embarrassment, Hitler killed himself or would have been murdered by the Allies (puppet court or otherwise), but the murderous Mugabe-like villain Churchill, self-promoted himself with vigour and the Anglo-Celtics followed him. Maybe in his old days, as he toyed around with his plastic model soldiers, this bigot was haunted by the images of 7 million people starving to death or the many hundreds of thousands who died for his childish pleasures of war games – I suspect not, he was too self-obsessed to even tolerate the notion that he was responsible.
So for mine, Hitler and Churchill were both hideous specimens of our species – one was demonised and the other idolised. Perhaps neither deserved idolising and it is really of no consequence as to which of them was more evil.