Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Would the world have been a better place without Bush, Howard and Blair?

Bush brats

Rocco Fazzari.

Roccoco Fazzari

A Response to: An apology for the Iraq war is nowhere near enough (SMH 26th October 2015)

It’s taken over a decade for the public and the journalists of these three nations to outwardly hint that maybe the Iraq war was a right royal stuff-up. When I criticised the gung-ho decisions of the Anglo-Celtic leadership a decade ago, SMH would, duty-bound, sensor my comments and now Blair and Hartcher feel it’s been long enough for the public to be spoon fed the reality.

I refer to this mob as the Gung-ho Saxon, white Supremacy, Crusaders (GuSWhiSuCs - pronounced “sooks” at the end and in short the “SuCs”) for good reason.

What is evident is that

We have learned little in a near thousand years of crusades!

Remember some of the others?! Richard the Lion heart, Bush the Lion Heart, Howard the “I’ll lick ya ass” heart and Blair the “I’m lost for words” heart!

It is a mistake to believe that the whole Iraq crusade was simply an error in judgement due to poor intelligence. It was far more sinister than that. The “Suks” had already murdered close to a million Iraqi children alone through embargos on critical medication on an astonishing pretext that they would be used to create nuclear weapons! A nuclear industry dependent on imported medical supplies!! – now that would be a force to be reckoned with.

The mentality of the pleb “SuCs” is to knowingly accept these ridiculous claims by their leaders, when it comes to justifying a crusade against a seemingly weaker military force. Yes, there were some protestors on the streets of Sydney (including the author), but a majority wrapped themselves in national and white supremacy flags and engulfed themselves in patriotism and pride out of displaying military might and blasting to smithereens an age old “enemy”! It was someone else’s war and someone else was going to suffer from it.

Wars are easy to handle when they occur 10s of thousands of miles away from home.

Yes, a few poor sods come back home maimed or in boxes, but that’s a small price to pay for the pride it gives the pleb “SuCs”. The leaders, particularly the near fascist far right factions, know this well and exploit it - a la Thatcher and the Falklands, Bush and a whole list of dumb wars, Eisenhower and Vietnam. We now don’t even get anywhere near the fireworks – we simply fire missiles from a bunker in a different continent! and as the military general of the SuCs proudly announced on TV

“We don’t count the civilian dead of the enemy, they are mere collateral damage!”

The more considered would say that the “SuCs” engineered the cause for war. The appointment of a gang member – Butler – with the sole mission of creating falsified evidence that would support a war (described well by Pilger). Butler may have made millions by it (and the profits of crime – his book), but it cost 224,000 lives (a number that is grossly underestimated). Butler was appointed simply because the UN’s representative was undertaking a more rigorous approach and the findings just didn’t suit the gang’s leadership – the rest of Europe watched in bewilderment as the blood thirsty pleb SuCs marched passionately to the drums of war!

Whilst it is possible to miss evidence of something that DOES exist, it is near impossible, with any level of competency, to find evidence of something that does NOT!

The very fact that the crusade was launched at all, is evidence that the SuCs were certain that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. True to their name, the SuCs would never have waged war against a nation with such weapons.

Nuclear weapons are the great equaliser!

So, the public’s acceptance of an apology (or non-apology) is just a means of rationalising the war crimes. It is interesting how the journalist have not used the term “war crime” in this instance. Just imagine if this atrocity was committed by Russia or China! Just look at the uproar over China installing some military hardware on some desolate islands! Or, the SuCs inability to accept that the downing of the Malasian Airlines aircraft was truly an example of collateral damage!

The “SuCs” self righteous view of themselves prevent them from accepting that this was a heinous war crime. One that has lead to an unprecedented disaster!

In any case, the SuCs Leadership is well protected against war crimes. The Heads of state cannot be prosecuted. Even though, these very same protections were dismissed and overlooked by the puppet court established by the SuCs to murder Saddam. Yes, murder!!

If the laws of the nation do not allow you to prosecute the head of state and you setup an instrument with the sole purpose of illegally killing somebody – that is the very definition of murder!

Bully boys

Ah! but the SuC chieftains have explained it to the pleb Sucs as “the world is a better place without Saddam” –  Still a response by them when asked if with hindsight, they would have engaged in the crusade. The question we really should be asking ourselves is

Would the world have been a better place without Bush, Howard and Blair?!!

or even better

Who’s done more damage to the world, Saddam or Bush, Blair and Howard?!!!

But that is a question that the GuSWhiSuCs are incapable of assessing rationally!