Rupert Murdoch Verified account
Abbott again. Tough to write, but if he won't replace top aide Peta Credlin she must do her patriotic duty and resign. More
11:42 AM - 28 Jan 2015
So uncle Rupert says “Ditch the Witch”!!! This is quite an amusing action by uncle Rupes on many a front. As hard as one may try, it’s pretty hard to pin this particular stuff-up (the “knightmare”) on the “Witch”!
I guess it’s all very simple from Uncle Rupes perspective. There are really only two palatable options and a third that isn’t – i.e. “Ditch the Witch” (Common Aussie parlance for sack the Chic), Boot the Lunie (Phoney) or jump ship (not too palatable).
Not surprisingly Uncle Rupes goes for the “Ditch the Witch” – a conservative approach that is much aligned with the party die-hards and the ol’e dinosaur himself and an approach that is an everyday occurrence in the western corporate world. When the ship is sinking, first look for scapegoat options then nail the chic (oooops! sowwee!!!). It maybe that ultimately the boss is accountable, but it never is the boss that is crucified. Uncle Rupes is an expert at this as was shown with his rather uncomfortable manoeuvres in relation to the phone tapping scandal (Camillagate and the whole lot of other gates!) – he searched for scapegoats and then nailed the red-head! As I said, no surprise that he opted to Ditch the Witch.
Rupert Murdoch Verified account
Forget fairness. This change only way to recover team work and achieve so much possible for Australia. Leading involves cruel choices.
11:50 AM - 28 Jan 2015
Another interesting aspect of Uncle Rupes command is that usually grandfatherly advice of this nature, is provided behind closed doors or in private phone calls. Of course, uncle Rupes opted for the most private of media channels - twitter! So, this was clearly not a message to Phony or the “Witch”, it was to the sponsors of his papers – you and I!!
So, what was the message that uncles Rupes was getting to us? Heaven knows what goes on in this twisted dinosaur's mind, but it usually has something to do with money and selling news papers (when it comes to Australia). It is clear to me that uncle Rupes is on a winner here. He knows, just as well as you and I do, that the “Fiberals” are not gonna get anywhere at the next elections with Phony at the reigns (ooops, sowweee again!!). So the Fibs have to, yes you got it, opt for one of the three paths mentioned before. So whatever option the Fibs take, uncle Rupes will look like the knowledgeable sage who gave good advice – in other words the “I told you so” syndrome. There is no doubt that he and his paid shock-jock disciples have already jumped ship. So this was a last witch (wow! I’m in good form!!) effort to salvage something.
The third strange aspect is this “patriotism” BS. As the saying goes “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel“. Uncle Rupes dumped patriotism for money sometime back – not as if he didn’t have pots of it to begin with. But he’s got the blow-torch well and truly aimed at the “Witch” under the guise of patriotism. Of course, she doesn’t really have the stacks of dosh that Rupert has and can ill afford to commit harakiri. I don’t know much about her, but I suspect that she is, just as many of us are, an intelligent individual, simply trying her darndest to do the best at her job.
Maybe there is solution here, and the overly patriotic uncle Rupes can spare some of that dosh he’s gotten by minimising his tax, say $500k a year, and donate it to the unpatriotic “witch”! How’s that for a solution?
The real problem is that uncle Rupes has missed the boat entirely. With Phony at the helm, the ships not going anywhere. The “witch” maybe gone but the half-wit will still be making his “captain’s calls”!!
As for the Fiberal party and their leader captain Phony, they have no where to go, really! They all know that the only way to make any impression what-so-ever in the next election, is to remove the disasters that keep coming from captain Phony. But that would draw comparisons to the Labor Party’s fiasco and possibly intimidating wall punching around Julie Bishops ears!!
Even if they did think of replacing him, who would they replace him with? Malcolm “I don’t believe in market forces anymore and high speed internet is only for the rich like me” Turnbull or Julie “I haven’t a clue about much, but I look pretty wearing my pearls with other diplomats” Bishop. Then there are a few others who they should keep as far from the public eye as possible to prevent a police state like Scott “In my police state, who cares about human rights (or wrongs) I can be a Natzi with refugees ‘cos no-one will know, but hey, I stopped the boats” Morrison and there is that fun guy stuffing around with education, ensuring it is exclusively for the rich – keeps the wages down!
So the Fiberals and the right wing media come up with statements like the stuff with the knighthood “verges on fatal” or “could be fatal” rather than, is fatal, Kaput, fine, dead and burried!!!
To add to their burdens, good ol’e uncle Rupes has issued a fatwa and we all know of his IS like, take no prisoners approach – there will surely be blood and executions – (that’s metaphorically speaking!), if not loyally obeyed. Hence the obedient hush in the media for what is one of the most bigoted, sexist, elitist set of statements that could be made. I’d love to have seen the media frenzy if these pathetic statements had been made by the “Grand Mufti of Auburn”!!
So you ask what my prediction is. Well, that is a tough one, considering the irrational behaviour of the Fiberals and the multitude of forces in play. However, I suspect Phony will hang on to the leadership and punch-up anyone who dares challenge him and lead the Fibs to a disastrous defeat at the next election.
BTW, I think there should be a clause in the constitution that triggers an election when the sitting party’s support diminishes below say 35%. Right now, it would save everyone, including the Fiberals a lot of strife, Here’s to another GG step-in incident!! Where’s Lizzie when we need her – maybe sulking about the title of Dame she didn’t get!
Rupert Murdoch calls on Tony Abbott to make 'cruel choice' and sack Peta Credlin
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