Aren’t we all glad that the silly-season is over and the clowns are gathering back at the great circus tent for the even-more-silly-season! Phony could barely wait till his vacation was over to start clowning around.
So, the question is “what drives someone to give their boss a demotion?!!” Is it simply the fact that they can, is it plain ignorance and stupidity or is it a far more deep rooted urge?
There has been much written about how stupid the knighthood thing is and that it has little significance to . . . ummmm. . .anyone, really!!! OK, the Duke may have to carry a bigger burden on his chest, which is already over-laden and of course, he might feel a tad offended by the cheek of the “spear throwing natives from the colony”. I can imaging the bureaucrats in London scrambling to the rules books to figure out if this joke was in fact legal and proper(!!) and if so can the colonies really demote a Prince(?) and will it be the Queen next?
May be this business of having colonies that one has little control over, isn’t what it is made up to be. In the good ol’e days a couple of massacres on the streets and a public execution or two would have brought back order. But now, what action does one take?! They must wish that little Johnny boy failed in his lopsided bid to kill the republican movement forever! If Australia was a republic then the concept of knighthood would not even have existed and even if it did, one could politely (or non-politely) decline!
These must be the moments when dear ol’e Lizzie wishes she had handed over the crown to that Lova-boy-total-looney, Charles! She would have been stuck between a rock and a hard place – do I offend the natives in the colony (by refusing the nomination) or do I demote the hubby?! She may have hoped the natives would come to their senses, but in this case, that would be unlikely ‘cos there are oodles of minerals and resources in the colony, but sense is one thing that is terribly lacking – it’s running amok!
I sometimes do wonder what goes on in the Dukes mind. Maybe people of his generation and up-bringing love the adoration from the colonies and get great pleasure from such titles and therefore see nothing stupid about the whole affair.
Looking at it from Phoney and his band of vagabonds’ perspective, well, those backbenchers really must feel frizzled and frazzled! What the media analysts have failed to point out is that whilst this decision has no impact on anyone, it is “Captain Phoney’s” sense of judgement that is on exhibition. The Fairfax poll suggested a 93% view that it was a stupid decision. How does one come back from that?!
One has to admire the “Fiberals” sense of loyalty. They know the mess that was created by the Labour shenanigans and clearly do not want a messy leadership battle. So, they keep “copping” it. The media keep saying that this will be the last stuff-up Phonie could afford and have been saying so for the last 3 or 4!
Even if the Fiberals decided on a leadership, who would they go to. I-like-to-look-pretty-and-glare-at-people-but-have-no-idea-Bishop or I-stuffed-my-chances-with-the-budget-Hockey or I-have-no-back-bone-Turnbull?!! Really the options aren’t great.
It is my view that Phoney has resigned to the fact that he will be a one term PM (even the racism card that did so well for little-johnny-boy is working for Phoney). He is now attempting to build his legacy. A legacy that is driven by values that are deeply ingrained in his DNA. It’s rarely that one notices some of the idiosyncrasies of politicians until they come under pressure combined with media scrutiny. We certainly saw that with Rudd and now we see it with Phoney – although some had been displayed in his university days.
A man who spent a great amount of time studying Catholicism and fantasising the pomp and majesty of his native country can very easily have a framework that is quite disturbing. Whilst Phoney appears to be quite a “fun” person in social terms (compared to Rudd, who was clearly a nerd and social misfit), there is a serious side to him that is driven by 200 year old values and unhealthy level of religious belief. I suspect he does believe that Lizzie is some form of deity, just as the pope has a direct lineage to god!
By bestowing a knighthood to the deities spouse (a demi-deity), he has cleared the barriers to heaven. His next step would be to glorify the pope in some manner. Unfortunately that might be quite a challenge as from what I can see, the current pope is down-to-Earth as a pope can be and would consider a knighthood as frivolity!
Phoney must truly believes that he has been chosen by god to liberate and lead his people to prosperity. So we keep having these “Moses returns from Mount Sinai” moments that he calls “Captain’s calls” with commandments that he truly believes are from god!
- Help the rich chicks breed ‘cos we need smarter kids
- Bring back Knights and Dames – that will fix the worlds problems.
What is most disturbing is that the Dumb-Aussie-Voters elected this man as captain of “Team Australia”. We are fortunate that Aussies are so dumb that they don’t know what’s hit ‘em!
At least this has provided the catalyst for the creative juices of many a cartoonist – some of my favourites:
Illustration:John Shakepeare (SMH)
Illustration:Ron Tandberg (SMH)
Illustration:Andrew Dyson (SMH)
Illustration:Alan Moir (SMH)
Illustration:Cathy Wilcox (SMH)Link
Illustration:Matt Golding (SMH)
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