So, the excitement of the Rio Olympics has been and gone, and we revert back to our mundane lives again! No excuses for late nights or early morning, no exhilarating world records and brilliance, just old routines until the next one.
Like most Olympics, Rio did have it's problems, but by-and-large it ran smoothly. Although the weather gods didn't always cooperate.
There were, however, a couple of countries that continuously went out of their way to try and disrepute and spoil the game - the Yanks and the Aussies.
From the moment the Aussies landed there, they started their winging about the "uninhabitable" accommodation. Magically, within a matter of hours, a fairy waves her (or his, as the case may be!!) wand and it was transformed into great accommodation!!!
Within days they started their arrogant ways - this is the team that is one of the largest with the weakest returns! It's as if sending a large contingent (because you have money) makes you important and more important than the others. We started accusing other competitors as drug cheats. Now, most team managements would have had a team meeting and advised everyone to stop being idiots and antagonistic to others - this is a celebration not a war. But when it comes to sport, for the Aussies, it's always a war! And there are always our favourite enemies, the commies, the bow legged yellow skins and of course the Muslims. So the response of the administration was to come out brandishing their swords fully supporting this loutish behaviour on the basis of some weird theory of being "open"! So, in the Aussie perspective, being “open” gives you an open slather to insult opponents! But then - that's the Aussie way!
The loutish behaviour became unbearable when the idiot, Mack Horton, actually won a gold medal! Unfortunately for him, the rest of the world (apart from the Anglo-Celtic nations) will prefer to forget him and he will not really remain in the minds and definitely not in the hearts of people. Fortunately, the loutish behaviour at unbearable levels only lasts as long as the Aussies are performing well or before the competition actually commences. So in the case of the Olympics, in a matter of days, the poor performances usually curtail their behaviour for the rest of the games - phew!!!
Whilst we did win a battle or 2 we were demolished in the war. There were some interesting statistics which showed that the Aussies were winning a gold medal for every 17 members of the team while most of the other developed nations were for every 4-6! So, we merely had quantity, but not quality.
Whilst we were madly waging war against the bow legged yellow skins, the Yanks took on their arch rival - the Russians. So, long before the event even started, they, together with their clan, attempted to ban the Russians entirely. Fortunately their stranglehold of the OIC is fast diminishing and so a less unfair solution was negotiated. The Russians fared well, considering so many of their elite athletes were prevented from competing.
What's ironic, is that we keep harassing the Russian and Chinese teams about doping when there is no nation more into it than the Yanks themselves. We seem to use the term "State sponsored doping" as if doping was worse if it was sponsored by the state rather than multi-billion dollar companies and individuals. But that's a topic for another time! But what we shouldn't forget is that it was the US team that included the twice drug-cheat - pot calling the kettle white!
Then the two pariah nations combined their energies in to bringing disrepute to the Olympics. In some cases, it seems to have backfired. Not sure if the world thought badly of Rio or that buffoon Ryan "Brides maid" Lochte!
Let's leave the ugly side of the Olympics aside and celebrate the great achievements at the games.
“the games where African Americans blast through Barriers!”
This was the games where the African American's seem to have broken through the many barriers in areas other than track and field. The performances of Simone Biles in Gymnastics and Simone Manuel in the blue ribbon event at the pool, were incredible personal achievements but also, hopefully signs of greater liberation of African Americans in a nation that is becoming increasingly split along racial lines.
“Bolt shows the world how it should be done! – 3X3 the world screamed”
No drugs (we hope), no insults, no war – just pure human brilliance. This man is truly larger than life (in a literal and metaphorical sense) and unbeaten at the games. It was one for the record books and none more deserving.
The thing is that whilst the developed world may draw artificial lines differentiating legal vs.illegal performance enhancing activities, the truth is that from the moment they are conceived, they are advantaged by performance enhancing drugs, food, techniques – the whole lot. So when a Bolt arrives on the scene, with none of these benefits, it is truly remarkable.
“Fiji win their first ever Olympic gold medal!”
This was one of the magical moments of the Olympics. The joyful Fijian supporter displaying the colourful nature of their culture whilst willing their team to beat no other than their slave masters!
For me, the moment was spoiled by the team displaying the sign of the cross – a symbol of their enslavement. And this from one of the most colourful cultures. I could not help but think of the rich tapestry of colourful gods that have been destroyed to make way for the “almighty” but boring, corrupt, abusive Christian god.
Once again, in a Bolt like fashion, these humble talented group of athletes, defied all the hurdles thrown at them and thrashed the over-privileged nations at their own game -rugby. All the “legal” performance enhancing drugs and techniques could not defeat this amazing team.
And then the ultimate humiliation – they knelt as they received their medals! There masters somehow managed to crush them back a few centuries!
There were many other glorious moments which deserve a mention, but I will never complete this blog entry (It’s already been about 5 weeks since I started), if attempted to include them here.
So, for another 4 years, lets keep some of the memories and just a few, for the rest of our lives!
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